Center for the National Interest

The Nixon Center was a Washington, D.C.-based public policy think tank. On March 9, 2011 it was renamed The Center for the National Interest.[1] The Center publishes the foreign policy bimonthly The National Interest [].

The Center was established by former U.S. President Richard Nixon on January 20, 1994 as the Nixon Center for Peace and Freedom.[2] The group changed its name to the Nixon Center in 1998. The center has a staff of approximately a dozen people supporting six main programs: Energy Security and Climate Change, Strategic Studies, US-Russia Relations, Immigration and National Security Studies, China Studies, and Regional Strategies (Middle East, Caspian Basin and South Asia).[3] In 2006 it had an annual budget of $1.6 million.[4] The Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program of the Foreign Policy Research Institute ranked it as one of the top 30 think tanks in the United States in 2007.[5]

In 2001, the Nixon Center acquired the journal The National Interest.


  1. ^ "Center for the National Interest". 
  2. ^ The Nixon Center: Mission statement
  3. ^ Abelson 2006, p. 89; The Nixon Center 2008, Nixon Center programs. Accessed 9-29-2008.
  4. ^ Abelson 2006, p. 238 (Appendix One, Table AI.2).
  5. ^ McGann 2007, p. 18.


External links